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31 March 2012


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Lawrence - Your study centre has kicked off with a bang, that must make everybody who put their efforts into the project very happy. Your village really is an educational hub. Many kids and adults too, are going to get a lot of joy from the facilities you have.

Busy, busy, must be as you haven't posted for a while.

Best wishes.


Hi Martyn, thanks for the kick up the proverbial. It isn't that nothing has been happening so I have some catching up to do. Where to start?
Also of course, I have been somewhat depressed by events (or non-events, mostly) at Villa Park, but hopefully things will look up next season (???).
Glad to see you blogging away in your new direction, though I do miss the puns, Wi's roses, and I seem to rememember some coffee, too.
Hope I can give you something to read soon. Start with these monkeys.

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