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06 June 2011


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Good stuff Lawrence. Monkey Museum! However I fancy the Thais might go for the more Disney like approach.

Personally I don't like Macaques as they can be aggressive, Itrust the Phana variety are well mannered!


Lawrence the Monkey Centre is a great idea and it looks good in the proposed plan. It should get a steady stream of tourists if it's marketed in the right way. I hope the centre will have brochures and booklets on sale too.

Its got to be monkey and not ape.


Hi Martyn and Mike. Yes, its an exciting project. The money is in place for the building, but it seems largely up to Pensri and me how the centre actually develops after that. Not quite sure how that came about.
I'm already preparing brochures for Phana, so the Monkey Centre will be next on the list.
As for aggressive monkeys, well, we will have to educate them, too, I suppose; though ours are pretty tame compared to PKK ones. They don't have the same number of hominids to deal with. Not yet, any way.
Thanks to you both for your comments. I hope the right people in Phana are reading them -- they usually do.

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