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07 April 2011


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Lawrence how nice to read that positive things are happening from yours and others actions toward cleaning up the community. Pensri's father would be really proud if he was around today. Keep up the good work and through it all your community will benefit in many different ways. Work does sometimes forge long lasting bonds of friendship.


Hi Martyn, sorry it has taken me so long to get to your comment( continuing computer problems). Pensri said it brought a little tear to her eyes! The work does seem to have had good results and the forest looked good for the songkran celebrations, Pensri tells me. My accident has meant that I haven't been out since getting back from Samui so I don't know how things are there now, but I sense a new determination not to let things get so bad again.

Looks like we are flying in opposite directions early in May. It seems we are missing some good weather in Devon. I'll be thinking of the mango juice when I'm back there. Enjoy your time in Thailand.

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