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09 April 2010


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Lawrence very interesting. I think you might well be right about the PM and reading the book!

Looks like it might hot up in BKK today?


Lawrence, what a smashing post and once again you've forwarded my village education. Your explanation of farmers working other peoples land for two thirds of the crop fills another gap in village life for me.

Some of your photos remind me so much of life in Wilai's village and laab reminds me of the amount of times Wilai cooks it, though not with ants, it's always pork or beef. I've eaten it myself and it tastes not too bad. I'll upgrade that to pretty damn good.

I reckon Khun Abhisit might now be reading Pensri's book and pondering about perhaps settling for a quiet life somewhere up country. She must be really proud to think Thailand's PM has at least thumbed through all her hard work. That's some achievement.


Mike, I think unless things in BKK hot up, they will just go on and on. As long as the man's money lasts, Pensri says. And that could be a very long time. The PM dosn't seem to be taking any decisive action so he may as well ge reading. (So far I have admired his restraint, but perhaps he is being restrained rather than choos that path. Who knows.)


Martyn, Keep reading my blog and you won't need to go to Wilai's village!

I never touch the beef laab, it is always uncooked (also re your comment on the gecko/chameleons). So were some of the prawns on offer at Kaeng Sapheu. I think laab at its best is my favourite Isan food. Duck laab is very popular in Phana, but you have to be careful how you ask for it so as not to confuse duck and chilli-hot.

Michael Hare

Which wife did Khun Suthat bring to the lunch? He is a real old smoothie and charmer of ladies. Old style politican who wants people to remain in their place. That is, be humble and grateful for educated people like himself (a lawyer), who know what is best for the people.


Thanks for your comment, Michael. Have you thought of starting a gossip column? I have met him lots of times in Phana but he has always been alone. However, I have heard one story and it seems quite romantic to me.
Don't all politicians "know what is best for the people"? (Well, some are only interested in what is best for themselves.) How else could they operate? Some aspects of his political journey are clearly careerist, but again, how else do you make any headway in politics?

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